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Students With Special Needs

Accommodations for College Entrance Tests:
Students with special needs, who might need extended time, tests on tape, larger print, oral tests and/or distraction-free environments, must go through a special registration process.  Students requesting a non-standardized version of the ACT or SAT tests must complete special registration forms which require written documentation regarding the student’s disability and signatures of school staff, as well as the general registration form.  Non-standardized testing requires the approval from ACT and SAT testing agencies. Students requesting accommodations on these college entrance tests must register via the mail prior to the initial registration deadline.  Extended time is the only accommodation available on national test dates.  Other accommodations require special testing dates. For more information visit


Note to Parents - If your student has an IEP, please contact your child's case manager regarding the testing accommodations.  THIS PAPERWORK DOES NOT CARRY OVER TO THE ACT TESTS ADMINISTERED ON NATIONAL TEST will be required to complete additional paperwork.

Self Advocacy - The best gift we can give our students with special needs is to teach them the skills to advocate for themselves.  Once a student leaves high school, the jurisdiction of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) ends – where the school identifies students and provides them appropriate services - and the responsibility shifts to the student to obtain services and accommodations in college classes.

Helpful Websites Scholarships:

LD Online:

Asperger Foundation College Guide:

National Center for Learning Disabled:

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder:

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities:

American Council for the Blind:

The Council for Learning Disabilities: